These are just the rough drafts, I'll be inkng and colouring in the next few days :)
Please give a warm welcome to my new comic "Under Lock and Key"

The main characters are going to be Master Lochlan (Lock - the long haired gender ambiguous flirt) Master Kieran ( Key- the severe butch lez punisher), Chains (the cute lolita Maid) and the lead female role. Her name is up in the air, Maybe "Under," "Charms," "pet," "rover" or something. Or Regina, because of the look I'm going for. If you think of any cute or funny names/euphamisms for 'submissive" let me know. The obnoxious cashier in these first few pages isn't likely to return.
I'm pretty excited about this. Looks like it'll be a lot of fun. :)
Jess, this stuff is amazing!
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