Little Odele is hunting for water bears, while she waits for her father at the dock. Like small children, these Maris Ferre (latin) are known for their curiosity and playfulness. Often chased off because they scare the fish, then thieve fisher men’s catch of the day. Prone to stealing small bits of delicious foods. The stolen treasure is then smuggled in their flippers back to their hidy-hole or den. Nesting inside a cavern or nook in a Cliffside they gum their dinner to death, for they must absorb nutrients through their tentacled tummy and chin. Water bears can also be seen scaling seaside cliffs holding on with their lecherous underside. Enabling them to clean the algae off the surface. Fins have evolved into makeshift wings cushioning an unlikely tumble from great heights. Odele has made a mess of the kitchen floors, while her father was hard at work. Her plan is to lure the unsuspecting creature to her homestead, and have him soak up the mess before her father returns.