Portrait of friend and violist; Shasta Ellenbogen.

Portrait of friend and composer; Adam Shugar.

Text reads: "A slut is a person of any gender who has the courage to lead life according to the radica proposition that sex is nice and pleasure is good for you."
"It stil strikes me as strange that anyone could have any moral objection to someone else;s sexuality. It's like telling someone else how to clean thier house."
Quotes and images refrenced from "http://www.sexisnottheenemy.com"

Images refrenced from http://www.sexisnottheenemy.com

Images refrenced from Cosmo Magazine, April 2007 issue.

Text reads: "Is it possible that existence is our exile and nothingness our home?" "I'm simply and accident. Why take it all so seriously?" - Emile Cioran.

Portrait of friend; fräulein Stephanie Lampert.

Portrait of friend and artist; Curtis Shaw.
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