Rather then give her a candy house in the woods, I opted to depict her as a bakery owner. Sweeny Todd anyone?

Hansel locked up in the shop. I can't wait to put in my characters once I've settled on the final design.

Here I'm trying out this new vector style. Repeat and heart idea is not mine, It's from a postcard I've held on to since my very first heartbreak. The postcard is designed by Jessika Dorosh.
Tucked into my bed frame; it serves to remind me that love and heartbreak is a cycle. Being afraid to love someone is silly, because heartbreak is inevitable. The impermanence of relationships makes them so much more beautiful. When in love, this philosophy helps you see that problems can be fixed, bumps overcome. When heartbreak comes, this serves to remind me that it will pass and with time, a different love will come along. All purpose motivator.
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